Sunday, December 22, 2013


There is nothing like Santa to keep a whimsical sense of innocence and speculation in the heart of a little boy. We always figured it would be our eight year old son that would end this era of their childhood. However, it was our six year old that started to question and state how Santa can't be at all malls. So, we were daunted with the task of finding "the real Santa". Which means real hair, real beard, and chunky like tradition has shown for generations! I can thank the local news. And thanks to news stations running stories because a few have race/ethnic issues, combined with the intelligence of our youngest, daddy had to play damage control.

Unfortunately our society had derogated to the point we have to DVR daytime TV (all 5 main curse words are at all times of the day)... not to mention adult conversations that children have no business being exposed to. Children have a limited time to actually be innocent before the world makes them as jaded as peers.

I have a feeling that by next year our amazing little men will not have the fantasy of childhood we try to preserve. So, we put them in pajamas and slippers... and they even wrote letters days later for things forgotten.  

The gift behind this Santa is going to be the highlight of their morning! Daddy is spoiling his boys...

Gift to Teachers

This time of year we tip our counterparts in a service positions... my amazing husband is one of them! And we teach our children to give a Christmas gift each year to their teacher. This year we did gift cards to Starbucks with chocolates. They gave them a day earlier, which could be a positive, sure many other students gave on the last day before break.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Candy Cane Seeds

It has been about ten years now that we've been making these "Candy Cane Seeds". I started doing them with my eldest son, to give to his classmates at school and church group (he dropped out of). It didn't take long before he out grew everything that made me feel like a mommy. So, when my little ones came along I was absolutely grateful. And this same tradition has continued.

This year I added the pictures to all the bags... the boys added all the candies! They are currently with their teachers and ready to give to classmates.



I once knew a gardener who knew how to grow

Bright tasty candies, from under the snow

I asked her to share her secret with me

And this is what she replied quite readily

To garden in winter snow is difficult you see

It takes a lot of care and a very special seed!

Here are a couple of seeds to grow your own tree...


Kid's Activities - Luv This one, has our "Reindeer Poop" we do every year too, and new ideas

Girl and a Glue Gun - plain seeds without poem

Friday, December 13, 2013

Gift 4 Kids

I have found the best gift for our children is actually cash! We have one family member that each year gives $50 to each child, and $100 per adult. There are many reasons this is not just a great idea but makes us grateful. I know they don't add it to a card, so I find amazing cards, with glitter, and scrap booked qualities that look like it is a personal touch... than add it under the tree from them to each child. We actually add it to each child's savings account, since we buy them all they desire or need, and make them aware why it will make a difference towards their future.

I know that when a person gets money it is usually associated with greed, but the reality is it makes us feel more appreciative!!! What would normally be ours and selfishly spent on ourselves will be spent on our children. It is actually applied towards their future.

The only gift that could possibly be better is if they gave pictures since that is priceless and can be passed down through the generations (with personal stories).


Saturday, November 30, 2013

Cartoon Network

The boys love playing Cartoon Network...



Our eight-year-old little man has been having problems staying focused in class (timed math pages). The teacher suggested that we use flash cards, which we have, but the page is first grade math (he's in third). He didn't have any issues the two previous years. I had a "Math Munchers" program but gave it to another parents since we didn't seem to need it.

On Black Friday we found ourselves at Fry's Electronics. We'd been avoiding the crowds and thought that later in the afternoon the crowds would have dissipated. Finding a parking space was still insane, but we did find "Math Skill Builder". Online the week prior it was listed at $14, but in store that day it was $18 (plus tax). ~*Ouch*~.. but cheaper than directly from the company from the looks of it.

I am hoping that having the timed sheets, parents direct which, that both boys will gain a positive. I love the fact this new program is kindergarten through fifth grade. They have the option of practice sheets, print outs, and we can keep track of their progress on charts. But I love that it covers everything from basic math, word problems, How to, and calculation tables.

This will be added to their chore board (both boys)... where they earn magnets that trade for real money. They will probably be mad at me, but I'll be snagging a bunch of educational programs for their computers this Christmas! Plus micro SD cards for their tablets and requiring they keep a few I've found downloaded and played daily from App store.

I hope to see more "Core Learning" on the shelves of Fry's Electronics.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Helping Young Children with Writing Skills

Recently I faced a dilemma that was far too familiar. My eight year old child is refusing do the creative writing portions in class. I came across similar circumstances with our eldest son (around the same age). The downside is that it has been a decade, and feels like a lifetime ago. I have a vague idea of how to positively support our son and only wish the teacher would have offered solutions past, "he needs to do the work". So, here I am searching for ways to fix the problem online.

I initially thought it could be a lack of knowing how to structure a paragraph or story. But during the parent/teacher conference he agreed with the teacher that it wasn't "organizational skills". When my husband and I talked to him last night he stated that he simply has no interest in writing about the specific subjects. He is intelligent but his lack of motivation is absolutely exasperating. He is the free spirited child that folds under conventional parenting.

I eventually landed on a website that uses the thought bubble concepts, but had to make what she created (digital scrapbooking program) after I realized the links were not working properly.

Character: Who
Setting: When/Where
Problem: What happened
Solution: How did it end

However it was our other son's teacher that ended up being the most informative. With our six year old he is going to be starting something called "Hamburger Writing". Third Grade Thoughts was a huge help with Hamburger Paragraphs.

* Topic Sentence - What is it about
* Supporting Sentence - Descriptive
* Supporting Sentence - Descriptive
* Supporting Sentence - Descriptive
* Summarize Topic Sentence - back to main topic

I wrote out the basic elements on note cards, than taped to a low hanging shelf on his desk.

* Character
* Setting - Time & Place it happens
* Conflict
* Solution
* Point of View
* Theme - Basic Idea of the story or moral

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Laptops 4 Children

This is a subject that has me conflicted. We're going to be purchasing laptops for the boys this holiday season. I love that they will have more space compared to their tablets. Not to mention the fact they can buy and download (CDRom) games. The only thing they can't do on a laptop are those apps they seem to be addicted to. They can however play the PC version of MineCraft (really popular among peers). Although the newest version of windows (like on hubby's computer) allows them to do those versions (Microsoft only).

As much as I wish it would be used for school, the fact is they will probably use them for gaming. They have a normal computer, which isn't used as much as their tablets (they crave new apps).  And by the time they actually need a computer for school these will be obsolete. But on a positive note they can design the outer casing with those sticker deals. I've seen them sold specifically for laptops at Fry's and WalMart.

.~*~._ .~*~._ .~*~.

CafePress to either buy others designs or create your own

.~*~._ .~*~._ .~*~.

Recently while I was volunteering in my son's class I overheard a conversation. A little girl was saying how she wants an IPod for Christmas, and before I even finished my thought process... I kind of blurted out "How sad is that". I didn't mean it to be disrespectful. I'd just earlier in the day been talking with another person about the differences in generations. How we as parents will drive to different stores to find the one item the child desires. When we were kids you would get the thing you wanted if it happened to be at the store your parents were going to. And the generation after mine lacked taking personal responsibility for their actions. It just makes me wonder with the current generation that is developing what adverse affects it will have. Will it be a lack of self control like those that were teens of the 1970s and adults of the 1980s? But knowledge means I can take appropriate steps in a positive direction.

Later the same night I was talking with my husband (and mentioned I felt bad, even though no one was paying attention much less heard me). He asked how old I was when I'd gotten certain game systems. My husband explained that when we were children we might have had the same things as our children if the technology was what it is today (hypothetically). I disagree because each generation of parents seems to spoil their children more than the previous. And now we have schools like where our children attend that have multi-generations helicopter parenting children/grandchildren. And our eldest son has taught us the dangers first hand of being overly involved and not allowing them to learn from mistakes.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Costco Smoothie

We started to buy a yogurt smoothie for the boys from Costco. Primarily because the probiotics are good for the boys. They were out of the ones we started to regularly put in their lunch. When I saw these, which are healthier! Kefir!!! It not only has more probiotics than the previous kind, but it is also 99% lactose Free and Gluten Free. It boasts it is also free from rBST, rBGH, and GMOs... I am more concerned with getting in the various probiotics for a healthier and happier child (children).

~*Luv It*~

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Flu and Cold Season Hit

Our little boys have been sick for a week. This past Wednesday I had to pick up the eight year old from school. Than both missed school on Thursday and Friday. I've been trying my best to only give them medications at night so they can sleep through the night. During the day they get Halls and Chloraseptic spray.
A child's sickness is so drastically different than an adult. Where as an adult you have the foresight to conserve energy... a child will bounce off walls, the fever hits and than they look half dead on the couch. It's like they surge and fizzle. One moment they look like they are healthy and could have gone to school... the next they are dropping like flies, fever, and napping.

The downside is that my little angels will be missing a birthday party today. I looked up the place it is being held. And it sounds amazing! Fliptastic... where the birthday parties are structured around the children truly enjoying themselves. And the woman who invited my children is absolutely amazing and kind hearted. I feel horrible for them being sick because this is now the second party I've had to back out of.

Our little boys are coughing, and it doesn't seem to be going away. They have headaches, stuffy noses, and fevers from catching it over and over again (or it mutating in them). I've been spraying everything with Lysol, bleaching pillows, and washing bedding. I feel like I am spinning my wheels, but trying to keep a positive outlook. They are building a stronger immune system and they "need mommy" (I don't have Munchausen's, after a couple days I am more than ready to be past it all).

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

11/6/2013 --- Tooth Fairy

This morning my amazing little boy crawled into my bed. He snuggled his cute little face into his father's pillow, and pulled the covers over his small shoulders. And stared at me while I tried to keep my eyes shut and pretend to sleep. It didn't take long before he sat up yelling that he had just lost his tooth... in the covers. He quickly picked it up and asked me if his mouth was bleeding.

This is better than the popcorn incident... a few lost teeth back.

Unfortunately the site I used to snag print outs of Fairy Mail isn't working properly. So I found another for "to" and "from". I did a little note from the Tooth Fairy to him, and double sided tape onto construction paper.

I spent more time out of my day printing out and gluing future envelopes. I would hate to have to come up with it in a pinch, again. I guess with what little time I have left I will do a rush job cleaning the boys bathroom. But, nothing is more important than making sure a little boy still believes in the goodness and magic of the world. I adore that he still believes in fairy dust, wishing stars, and wish flowers. I just hope in my own selfishness that he doesn't grow up too fast since he is "the baby".

Friday, November 1, 2013

Halloween 2013

This is the first Halloween I have been without my kids in eighteen years. My husband took out our little men, and I was home passing out candy (watching Halloween & Halloween II). Tonight I realize that our children have few years left to actually go out and panhandle for candy. Our eight year old said that he'll stop "trick or treating" when he is thirteen. As a parent I know the reality of him being possibly dragged along to "accompany" his younger brother.

Halloween has always been my favorite holiday! And when I was in high school our colors were black and orange. I adored the ability to delve into the deepest recesses of psychopathy. Or the ability to play with various hairstyles and colors without being made fun of. All things that have become the "norm" in our current society. But when I was younger it was taboo and a thrill to see others' reactions. My generation actually thought we were cutting edge.

Although my youngest son takes after me in more ways than he'll ever admit. I too loved fake skin and scars, oozing blood, and to live as most fear. As an adult I still love a good horror novel or fact based psychopath story. There is something to be experienced when well written words make an adult afraid to step on the floor out of fear of what "might" be under the bed. I still adore Stephen King with his twisted thoughts. And what I am taking to heart on a piece I am currently working on.

I look forward to next year... as my children continue to grow. They've matured since the years of super heroes and endearing cartoon characters (at least my six year old has). Before I know it they'll be all grown up and eventually doing the same with their children. Where as parents we try to hang on to their fleeting adolescence and innocence. I am grateful for the video and pictures to reflect on in the years to come! And I hope with all my heart to be snuggling grandchildren while sharing their parents' lives with them.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Our poor children have a mother like me. I worry about everything from education, to the foods they eat or refuse to. And at dinner they get vitamins. I've read articles that children that can't afford vitamins are usually the ones that need them the most... while those that can usually don't need them at all. I figure if mommy and daddy take their vitamins why not the kids too!
I still think that as an obese nation that we've become too involved in other's lives than to focus on ourselves. I have never done portion control, or refused to feed my children. We do simple things, such as "no soda unless eating out" (restaurant). But little things like that are more to avoid dental bills than to make them feel deprived. When I was growing up I wasn't allowed certain things, which only made me over indulge as an adult. I'm hoping to avoid by limits not denying. The kids are also taught the difference between healthy foods and naughty foods.
I did recently learn and pick up a new trick. We've all likely heard about how cinnamon is a twisted little spice. It is mainly used in desserts but helps to prevent sugar spikes and insulin issues. Well, I was listening to the news as I was getting the boys ready for school when a parent shared how they have their child eat a protein before sweets. It is supposed to cause them to eat less sweets and bring down the craving (can't eat just one theory). I know I heard Dr. Oz saying to allow yourself a small bite of the craving/sweet with a glass of water to trick the brain and fill up so you don't over do it.
However... with children I don't think these are burdens they don't need on their shoulders. My children have no business counting calories, or feeling like they are fat! We teach them that they must eat healthy and that naughty foods are a treat not a meal. I only recently added in purple grape juice because it is supposed to have the same positive health effects as a glass of wine. Normally we side step juices for actual fruit.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Pumpkin Carving - Halloween 2013

We... well I guess "I" finally bit the bullet... and we allowed our children to carve their own pumpkins.

Our eight year old and six year old did most of the scooping out of pumpkin guts and seeds. We helped a little, but not as much as we normally would have. We're trying a new approach with parenting. The boys first drew the face they wanted on paper, than hubby drew it on their pumpkins. Anthony did a traditional face while Tyler chose one that replicated Mine Craft (creeper). But, both boys actually carved their own pumpkin.

This new approach of allowing our children to take what I perceive as risks... and yes, they used the kits that cut pumpkins but not flesh (not that sharp). Or how they are using a bunk bed, and every bump in the night has me bolting for their room (to simply look). The good news is that I hear grandparents are more seasoned? Which means by the time they are all grown up I might finally "get it right" with the next generation? There is nothing more frightening than to bring another person into this world.

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Crossword Puzzles

We try our best to push our children academically and intellectually. We make sure they have the monthly National Geographic (adult not just kids version). Their daddy pushes them to read at least one article in the Wall Street Journal and explain it back to him (teaches comprehension and vocabulary). And recently I started to help keep them sharp with a word search app. I figure the digital word search is not just mentally stimulating but we compete. Who found the first word (high five)? Who found the most words (high five)? And than as soon as one is done the next competition begins!

This isn't a new concept to my boys, we did them about a year ago. It was however recently that I brought it back. I figure it is a welcome break from Angry Birds, Bad Piggies, and Mine Craft.

Let the competitions begin...

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013

Isn't it funny how parents tend to be more nervous about the things their children do than the child. Our "baby" (youngest) has a reading recital coming up this week, and I have butterflies. I know his steadfast personality and that he'll do just fine. But as a mom I am grateful to have moments like these to even embrace. He's a lot like his father and I, thrives academically and with goals/rewards.

I was asked to not say anything, and just show up at a certain time... I'LL BE THERE WITH BELLS ON!!! I plan to videotape him and take pictures with my phone to share with his daddy. I know his father is going to be upset to miss this, we both revolve our lives around our kids! And most sacrifices my husband makes are for his little men! I just hope that watching it second hand makes up for the fact he couldn't be there in person.

Our youngest is six years old and before we know it we'll blink and he'll be an adult. These are the most impressionable years that last a lifetime. And we plan to bask in and appreciate every thing we can and to the best of our abilities! I just hope I am equally as blessed with my future grandchildren (far future).

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Update ... Sunday, October 20th, 2013

This past week has been absolutely amazing and I am reminded of just how blessed we are in life. We were able to settle things with Tyler's class (still has his bully but teacher knows). Anthony is still the same little man he's always been... and I think others are starting to realize I am not just a doting mother when I sing his praises. Each child I have has actually been better than the last (behaviorally).

This past week I went to the family day at the boys' school. This is the first time I actually thought ahead and brought a blanket to sit on (other parents bring blankets and chairs for adults). I was lost in the moment as we were lost in a sea of families, basking in my children. And it is a multi-generational thing. Everyone splurges on naughty foods (from McDonald's to like we brought Habit Burger) and eat with their children. I adored sitting back on my blanket after the kids were done eating and watching them play with peers. Tyler even got down in the field and played football with his friends! If his daddy didn't have to work he'd of been so proud. I tried my best to text him and take pictures of him to share later.

I shared my blanket with another parent, and ended up at her house. We'd been chatting off and on since last school year, and she'd even invited our Anthony to her child's birthday (last year, and new invitation for her other kid). But it was nice to integrate and live in the moments.

And just when I was getting used to not being a helicopter parent, I now have one day a week of volunteering with our youngest. When I first learned he was excited and I was grateful for the opportunity. All families play an active role, from parents to extended family members, and I wouldn't trade these years for anything! Last year I met more grandparents than I did actual parents. I just hope when my children are all grown up I can play such a pivotal role as I've watched others. I hope to help alleviate the burden of  strangers raising my grandbabies in the far future. And there isn't a selfish desire or hell's high waters to keep me from my family branch! For the time being I am simply thankful for being able to have this chance. I look forward to weekly volunteering, Friday Night board games, and Saturday nights watching movies with popcorn and blankets. And when the rain starts to pour we can be found dancing barefoot with hot cocoa after.

MUSIC: David Choi "Let Her Go"

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Family Game Night... *Friday*

~*Friday*~ ... is FAMILY GAME NIGHT!!! First I made red velvet cupcakes, with Halloween décor. Fitting for this time of the year...


It took a little bit of time, but we settled on playing "Sorry"... after an amazing steak dinner! Which was fitting for what the day represented to "me".

There was plenty of banter back and forth, as we raced to the finish line (to win)... and quickly bumped each other off in a vein attempt to be first. Anthony won first, which would normally be the end but we played through to "take place". Quickly my loving husband took second place! The race between Tyler and I was neck and neck... he won! I don't mind coming in last, after all it about the time spent, and bonding moments. I wouldn't give up these years for anything. And I can't imagine my husband would want to be anywhere in life that didn't involve his boys!!!

I sometimes sit back and try to imagine life years from now... where board games turn into them sitting on the couch watching sports. And I imagine future wives, grandchildren, and I couldn't imagine not being right smack in the middle of it all.

~*Gratitude*~... I am in awe and thanks for the family I was blessed with. And I look forward to many more years!!! Here is a toast to things only getting better!!!

Friday, September 27, 2013

Stoneyfield Super Smoothie

First of all I want to start by saying these people do not know I exist!!! I am not getting paid... in fact this new thing we found is costing us (but worth it).

I had read a few articles about how probiotics do more than help you poo (or females balance down there). The first one was about how good bacteria in the gut helped mice in a study to loose weight. And I'd gladly join that study if ever done with humans. The next article was about how the gut was tied into mood disorders (depression, anxiety, compulsive things like OCD, etc.). My husband and I surround our lives around our children. So, my first thought was that if I could naturally help my kids... "in a heart beat".

My children already love smoothies (and greek, "Fage", for the higher protein with probiotics). And my children have noticed other children with them packed in their school lunches too... which is much better than those "GoGurt" frozen and added in. I do keep them on the side for when I start to run out of the drinks, something is better than nothing!

And I want to add, I am starting to love our choice in schools... I've noticed more parents are like us. Our goal is to not just have our children grow up and doing something they love, but to do/be better than us. I couldn't imagine clipping their wings in life, but sadly I have met parents that do just that.


Our family loves this smoothie...

Coconut water or Almond milk
Spinach leaves
Frozen pineapple chunks
Coconut shredded
Fage Greek Yogurt

All in a blender with a little bit of ice! And we switch things up by added in berries, bananas, apple slices, and so forth. Healthy tastes amazing!!! And buy fresh in bulk at Costco, and stick in freezer (ziplock)... blue berries are bigger from there! ~*Mmmm*~

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

What's Wrong with This Picture

Anyone else see what is wrong with this picture...

We were recently at the grocery store, and one of the items our child asked for was "canned peaches". We looked over the various things offered, and those with added vitamins or low sugar levels are what my husband was leaning towards. We both became stuck on the same can. It was one of those moments you read it, it doesn't seem quite right, so you read it again.

"Artificially Sweetened"... but, "no sugar added".. ???

Which than led me on a hunt of my own... what is the difference, or is it a trick




Virtual Life

This morning Tyler (my eight year old) asked me if he could get "Garry's Mod". Of course, my first thought is that he wants to download another app on his tablet. I asked him how much it costs. Both he and his brother chimed in with, "I don't know". Don't they realize I need a price if I'm going to give a "yes" or "no" answer?
I looked it up... Garry's Mod seems to have the same appeal to them as their MineCraft. And I realized that I am now officially "old" since I find myself outside the loop of mainstream. I am just thankful that computer games are becoming popular so the tablet doesn't kill my preferred methods. You cannot do web design, graphic designs, or many other aspects from a tablet (tablets are limited in abilities and designed to keep the masses happy).
Few Popular Ideas: