Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013

Isn't it funny how parents tend to be more nervous about the things their children do than the child. Our "baby" (youngest) has a reading recital coming up this week, and I have butterflies. I know his steadfast personality and that he'll do just fine. But as a mom I am grateful to have moments like these to even embrace. He's a lot like his father and I, thrives academically and with goals/rewards.

I was asked to not say anything, and just show up at a certain time... I'LL BE THERE WITH BELLS ON!!! I plan to videotape him and take pictures with my phone to share with his daddy. I know his father is going to be upset to miss this, we both revolve our lives around our kids! And most sacrifices my husband makes are for his little men! I just hope that watching it second hand makes up for the fact he couldn't be there in person.

Our youngest is six years old and before we know it we'll blink and he'll be an adult. These are the most impressionable years that last a lifetime. And we plan to bask in and appreciate every thing we can and to the best of our abilities! I just hope I am equally as blessed with my future grandchildren (far future).

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