Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Pizza Party

Our amazing little boy just got his test scores in from last school year. Daddy is out buying pizza to help celebrate!!! He scored advanced in language arts and basic in math. The only two tested on second graders! But we're celebrating his amazing intelligence... Tyler is so selfless he even said to buy a pepperoni for his brother!!! How sweet is that??? Our home is happy tonight... Thank G_d!!!!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Phone & Tablet Apps

Does anyone remember the world before apps? When a phone wasn't the primary camera carried around, or talking into the phone for turn by turn directions? I grew up in a home where the phone was attached to the wall (and you went only as far as the cord would let you). My children will remember my childhood as we did our own parents, 8Track players and records. Now I can use my phone or computer to stream to the television...

Our children thankfully are only as educated to the world around them as their peers. They are exposed only to what interests other kids their age. Apparently it used to be cool for older kids on the playground to do MineCraft, now they've outgrown it and it is a trend that has trickled down to the younger kids. Ironically our children are just getting into things as commercialism is starting to saturate the market (posters, TShirts, and binders). And lets be realistic, once it is cool for mom and dad it is already on its way to dying out. The coolest trends are those that don't have your grandmother farming virtual homesteads and your mom posting on your wall for your friends to see (obscure).
MineCraft ...

Parenting has been a learning experience that often takes me out of my own comfort zone or linear way of seeing things. Children are being raised in a whole new world, and the most we can do is learn so we can prepare them for how to face it.

Lit'l Smokies crescent dogs

My husband told me to try something new in the boys' school lunches. He told me to do the Lit'l Smokies with the Crescent Rolls (basically like the normal hotdogs around Halloween, "Mummy Dogs"). I guess we'll find out tomorrow, after school, if it is something they'll like. If anything, it could give us other choices of things to pack for them.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Sleep Walking

The other night it came to my attention that now two out of three children have my disorder (of sorts). I was trying to wake up my youngest son because he'd forgotten to put on a PullUp Goodnights.  Anthony sat up, seemed kind of goofy with a quirky smile, but I figured it was because I woke him from an REM state. He looked at me and said, "I need to make sure I don't fall in the lava". I smiled and asked him what he was talking about (hoping he'd tell me about his dream). He blurted out, "Seriously". His conversation turned into one I know all too well from my own childhood.

I noticed that even with the bedroom lights on his pupils were fully dilated. He was moving around and functioning like a normal person, aside from his conversation being that of still in his dream. It brought me back to my own childhood and recalling memories of times I'd done the same thing. This means he is fully capable of all the things my mother feared when I was little. My mom went as far as to put a chain lock on the top of the front door after I tried to walk out in the middle of the night.

I still remember when I was a little girl. I thought I'd woken up from a dream and was cold. In my dream my bedroom light was on, and I was reaching into my bottom drawer for more pajamas to put over the top of what I was already wearing. I kept reaching in but my hand would scrape the bottom of the drawer. I woke up to a pitch black room and an empty drawer. This was one of the few times I actually got scared because I always thought others were over exaggerating the reality. As I got older the fear of what I was able to do while completely asleep carried over. I thankfully out grew much, still do some conversations (and another reason I don't lie).

So far only Tyler and Anthony have shown signs. Tyler has only talked and laughed in his sleep... where as Anthony has shown signs of being able to literally walk off. I've read studies in the past to try and better understand, but "Così è la vita'!

Friday, August 23, 2013

School Lunches & Snacks

I would like to first state that it is extremely hard to get a good source for ideas. I might come across a site that give a peanut butter sauce mixed with soy to make a tortilla wrap but nothing that my kids will actually eat. School lunches can become redundant and hard to keep healthy.

Family.Go (Disney)

I try to come up with things other than a sandwich to place in their lunch! My all time favorite is my banana nut muffins. I use coconut oil, ground flaxseed, and extra ground walnuts to give them a healthy boost. I learned from a grandmother that ground flaxseed can be added to any baked goods.

* Grapes (berries like blueberries, raspberries, etc too)

* Baby Carrots

* Fig Newtons (various flavors and fiber)

* Celery with peanut butter

* Pretzels with peanut butter dip on side

* Tortilla Wraps (from peanut butter and jelly to lunch meats)

* Burritos (from ground beef to guacamole and grilled chicken)

* Gogurts (freeze and go)

* sliced fruits (apple, pear, etc)

* DYI Parfait (add things on side in baggies)

* Granola bars

* Dried fruits

* Trail Mix

* Lil' Smokies and Crescent rolls (or mummy hotdogs in October)

* Popcorn sprinkled with Parmesan cheese

Than there are the fall backs you can pack in a thermos container in winter months. Like roasted chicken left overs from the night before with veggies. The classics from the crockpot cooking, soups, but I stay away from pasta since it goes soggy. Than the fact that we have picky eaters that need different thing in their lunches. One child won't eat lunch meat while the other won't eat anything with tomato sauce. One kid like the pouch drinks and the other insists on having the box drinks. I have found that I can get the Super-V in pouches and V8 Fusion in boxes to give an added boost to an other wise processed lunch.

Than Storage ideas...

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Back to School Night

Well, I skipped the back to school thing! I found out when I picked up the boys that it is adults only?!?! First of all whether I had someone watch the kids for free or paid someone I wouldn't waste that time on a school function. If I am getting time away from kids I'd rather be doing Christmas shopping, or date night with hubby, or me time to recooperate and be a better mom. There is no way I am going to even entertain the idea of being at their school, with all that should be surrounding them without them. Or leaving the kids home with the other parent, robbing the parent that was stuck home from being actively involved.

It already cost me in the price of feeding the kids. Instead of taking something down for dinner and thinking I had time to cook, I'd planned to let the boys get take out. If I'd known that children were not welcome I wouldn't have planned our schedules and dining around the school.

This is not a rant, I did find the positive in it all and know in the future to call and ask before wasting our time.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

No Training Wheels

This weekend my loving husband took our boys up to "Ice House" (Pollock Pines, CA). He took some amazing pictures of the boys and scenery, while taking the boys fishing. They had lunch, and even socialized with the local dog (resident of the restaurant). I am grateful they got in male bonding time... and mommy was able to clean house and catch up on laundry. But, it was more important for them to get in time with just their daddy.
I just need him to upload his pictures so I can have them too!

The previous weekend was just as eventful and chaotic. Tyler learned how to ride his bike without training wheels. We'd taken the boys to a local park to practice with training wheels. Normally we don't push the boys to do anything before they decide they are ready. But, for the first time we actually decided to take off the training wheels and talk him into "just doing it". In less than five minutes he was riding as if he'd been doing it much longer than he had. We were also given a cute little story of how Anthony lost his tooth (I'll scrapbook it and write what happened in his book).

Speaking of books... I plan to hit the local book store to find something I can write little notes to the boys (each one, so they know I took the time). Just my thoughts in the moments of their lives while they are still living them. And I hope it is a keepsake they treasure long after I am gone (and maybe pass to their children).

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Icing (Cupcake Shop)

The first day of school was chaotic, running between the two boys classrooms. Making sure the different teachers get the supplies they asked for, and trying to get in as many pictures as possible (recording their memories). But we are starting a new tradition with the boyz... ICING!!!

When I was younger I absolutely loved my gold box from Sherri's Berries. If I was celebrating something, had a truly depressing day and needed a pick me up, and just the thought would lift my spirits. I would pick out my chocolate covered strawberry, which was always placed in a single gold box with a perfect ribbon. I am hoping in my heart that our newly added tradition of "Icing" becomes as much a "pick me up" or "celebration" as mine was to me.

Icing is more than just a cute little shop. The staff is constantly smiling (which is infectious), helpful, and accommodating. I loved how it reminded me of my own scrapbooking projects, adorable decorations, and the food is well worth the price. After trying a sample our Tyty (Tyler) picked the pumpkin Pie and Anthony finally settled on a chocolate dipped cookie with sprinkles (and candy decoration). This was a perfect way for our little men to celebrate their first day of school.

More so, I can see it as a way to do something perfect for their teachers' through out the year!!! What better way to show the boys care than a single boxed cupcake (specialty) and gift card to Starbucks? This way we can share our new found love too. They have so many great choices (and varies from day to day) that our biggest problem is getting the boys to actually choose one (which is a good thing).

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Tyler's Long Hair

I have to say that I grew used to my son's long hair... and I am going to miss it!

Tyler has always been years ahead of himself (emotionally and intellectually). And even though I was nervous at first, I grew used to his long hair. He's a free spirit and it seemed to match his fun loving personality. We chose not to fight him about his hair, and make his own decisions. After all, as parents we have bigger things to worry about something that can change from one day to the next. Plus, I think he enjoyed the freedom of figuring out what he likes. I'm just hoping the few girls that bullied him last year aren't the reason he's chosen to cut it off before school started. The group of three little girls had him in tears at the end of last year (and acting out through his drawings and art, I don't like that he wrote he hated them, even if they weren't too kind towards him).

It'll take some getting used to... he now looks like every other typical little boy. And it's a bit of a shame, because he actually had the perfect face to pull off that style (and I love his chunky cheeks like his daddy). We love him for being himself, not what he looks like. We worry more about what he stick between his ears than the hair that might hang over them. I just wish I'd taken more pictures of him now that he's decided to be past that phase of his incredible life. In the mean time I'll just be thankful we played a part in it.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

School is Around the Corner...

School is just around the corner... and we have been (pre) preparing! The outfit, shoes, backpacks, lunchboxes, and all supplies have been purchased.

This is the first year where the boys will be dressed alike. From the shirts, shorts, shoes, to even backpacks... and they actually made the choices!

The backpacks seemed like they'd give me a challenge until we opened two boxes of cereal. They ended up with Despicable Me 2 things to hang on their backpacks. Luckily one was a normal minion and the other the wild purple. This year we snagged the Rubbermaid Lunchblox Containers. I'm thinking the only real useful part is the part that holds the sandwich with the attached cooler. Just wish I could buy the one part we'll probably end up using!


Even though all is set out, ready for the "First Day of School"... I will probably run the clothes through a fabric softener the night before, and extra dryer sheets so they smell nice that first day. I even stuck dryer sheets inside their shoes (much like when you store clothes away in those big plastic tubs, same concept).

I am nervously awaiting the new school year... it'll be one of the few times they are on the playground together. They have teachers I've never encountered and unsure considering the forced volunteering (worth the higher academics to sacrifice time and/or class supplies). I am sure they'll play together (strong bonds at home), but hope they continue to make friends outside of each other.

The fact is, my little boys are growing up and the dynamics of our relationship are constantly evolving. They are both articulate, and simple conversations of what I expect are easily understood and respected. And I love their comprehension levels of being able to think ahead of their possible actions and choosing a best course of action. My "little boyz" are growing up faster than their mommy is ready for.