Tuesday, August 13, 2013

School is Around the Corner...

School is just around the corner... and we have been (pre) preparing! The outfit, shoes, backpacks, lunchboxes, and all supplies have been purchased.

This is the first year where the boys will be dressed alike. From the shirts, shorts, shoes, to even backpacks... and they actually made the choices!

The backpacks seemed like they'd give me a challenge until we opened two boxes of cereal. They ended up with Despicable Me 2 things to hang on their backpacks. Luckily one was a normal minion and the other the wild purple. This year we snagged the Rubbermaid Lunchblox Containers. I'm thinking the only real useful part is the part that holds the sandwich with the attached cooler. Just wish I could buy the one part we'll probably end up using!


Even though all is set out, ready for the "First Day of School"... I will probably run the clothes through a fabric softener the night before, and extra dryer sheets so they smell nice that first day. I even stuck dryer sheets inside their shoes (much like when you store clothes away in those big plastic tubs, same concept).

I am nervously awaiting the new school year... it'll be one of the few times they are on the playground together. They have teachers I've never encountered and unsure considering the forced volunteering (worth the higher academics to sacrifice time and/or class supplies). I am sure they'll play together (strong bonds at home), but hope they continue to make friends outside of each other.

The fact is, my little boys are growing up and the dynamics of our relationship are constantly evolving. They are both articulate, and simple conversations of what I expect are easily understood and respected. And I love their comprehension levels of being able to think ahead of their possible actions and choosing a best course of action. My "little boyz" are growing up faster than their mommy is ready for.

1 comment:

  1. The shirts were a great find at $5 each... cotton shorts from Target $6 each.. and the shoes were a huge blessing from Sears! The shoes they insisted on having (after trudging through a few different stores) were listed at $50 each! The first pair rung up at just $34, and the other pair came out to $15!!! ~*Amen*~

    And I want to add that the actual list given at the end of last school year was a huge help this year. It means I bought specifically what was needed and didn't end up with a lot of wasteful spending.
