Friday, September 27, 2013

Stoneyfield Super Smoothie

First of all I want to start by saying these people do not know I exist!!! I am not getting paid... in fact this new thing we found is costing us (but worth it).

I had read a few articles about how probiotics do more than help you poo (or females balance down there). The first one was about how good bacteria in the gut helped mice in a study to loose weight. And I'd gladly join that study if ever done with humans. The next article was about how the gut was tied into mood disorders (depression, anxiety, compulsive things like OCD, etc.). My husband and I surround our lives around our children. So, my first thought was that if I could naturally help my kids... "in a heart beat".

My children already love smoothies (and greek, "Fage", for the higher protein with probiotics). And my children have noticed other children with them packed in their school lunches too... which is much better than those "GoGurt" frozen and added in. I do keep them on the side for when I start to run out of the drinks, something is better than nothing!

And I want to add, I am starting to love our choice in schools... I've noticed more parents are like us. Our goal is to not just have our children grow up and doing something they love, but to do/be better than us. I couldn't imagine clipping their wings in life, but sadly I have met parents that do just that.


Our family loves this smoothie...

Coconut water or Almond milk
Spinach leaves
Frozen pineapple chunks
Coconut shredded
Fage Greek Yogurt

All in a blender with a little bit of ice! And we switch things up by added in berries, bananas, apple slices, and so forth. Healthy tastes amazing!!! And buy fresh in bulk at Costco, and stick in freezer (ziplock)... blue berries are bigger from there! ~*Mmmm*~

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

What's Wrong with This Picture

Anyone else see what is wrong with this picture...

We were recently at the grocery store, and one of the items our child asked for was "canned peaches". We looked over the various things offered, and those with added vitamins or low sugar levels are what my husband was leaning towards. We both became stuck on the same can. It was one of those moments you read it, it doesn't seem quite right, so you read it again.

"Artificially Sweetened"... but, "no sugar added".. ???

Which than led me on a hunt of my own... what is the difference, or is it a trick




Virtual Life

This morning Tyler (my eight year old) asked me if he could get "Garry's Mod". Of course, my first thought is that he wants to download another app on his tablet. I asked him how much it costs. Both he and his brother chimed in with, "I don't know". Don't they realize I need a price if I'm going to give a "yes" or "no" answer?
I looked it up... Garry's Mod seems to have the same appeal to them as their MineCraft. And I realized that I am now officially "old" since I find myself outside the loop of mainstream. I am just thankful that computer games are becoming popular so the tablet doesn't kill my preferred methods. You cannot do web design, graphic designs, or many other aspects from a tablet (tablets are limited in abilities and designed to keep the masses happy).
Few Popular Ideas:

Monday, September 16, 2013


Our lil' Anthony got a surprise when a huge dragonfly landed on the screen outside the window. He was only brave because it was safely on the other side. It caught him off guard because he was playing a game on his tablet when it started to head directly towards him.

We've been seeing a red dragonfly outside, so this one was a pleasant change. The red one that comes to visit is smaller... but from what I've read, the red one brings good luck! This guy is beautiful in his own right and Anthony's favorite color (green).

Monday, September 9, 2013


I have to admit that this past weekend has been a whirlwind of emotions and exertion. I was all but too happy to make French toast for my three boys. Followed by an hour of walking behind a dog to give them time to finish eating. Cooper decided that he wanted to explore the neighborhood sniffing with the occasional begging other furr-bies (Furry Babies) for attention. When I returned I took the boys to a park to ride their skateboard and bikes so their daddy could relax and watch his sports.

I am just thankful for the bonds with these little future men. I don't mind waking each weekday to make lunches, or fighting with them after school to focus on doing homework, or the nightly struggle to get them to go to sleep. Pleading doesn't help, and they can care less about the logic of sleep making them smarter or stronger. I don't mind their mini obsessions with games, and adore when they are into things that are creative and expand their minds.

As much as I am enthusiastic about how to make their current lives better for their futures... it is that same "future" that scares me. I fear the day they actually need cell phones of their own (it'll mean they are doing things away from us). I am scared to death of the thought of when they are old enough to drive. One day they will be adults and I'll have worked my way out of a job, but I hope and pray that I'll have done a good enough job that I'll still be woven into the fabrics of their lives.

Childhood is fleeting, but for now I am just appreciative to have the blessing of being able to raise these amazing little boys! From the highs of being proud of who and all they've achieved this far and anxious about what the future holds. May they be extremely blessed!!!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Birthday Boy ... ~*Cheers*~

The memories of our children are to be savored today and cherished in the years to come... and these are the years my husband and I are taking in as much as possible.
After picking up our son from school, we refrained from making too big of a fool of ourselves. Tyler planned to give the extra cupcakes and juices to the friends that are not in his class, so I had to get out of the line of cars and loop back around to a further spot. I told him I would try to be later than usual so he has a chance to give them away. But even leaving ten minutes later than I normally do and looping back around I was still not back enough. It is hard for someone like me to not be on time or early...
After school we took him to get ice cream, Baskin Robbins gave us birthday coupons. Than off to ride his new bike and skateboard.


We had an enjoyable dinner at Golden Corral, and made it a point to keep it as positive of an experience as we could. There was one table with three older women that would make snide remarks, but I kept a smile and pretended to be ignorant to the behaviors. In smiling to all those around us and showing manners (especially to staff) there was a surprise. A woman that was out with her husband asked me if she could give him a gift. She endowed him with a handful of change.

I know that she was as American as we are, well spoken, and kind heart... but I would like to consider this as a good omen! In some cultures it is considered good luck to give children (that are not related, strangers) small bits of money. It is believed to bring prosperity and luck to the one that is giving. However, I would like to think it was a small way to bestow the same luck on our family. Than once we got home he found a ladybug in his bathroom (I let it back outside and free).

We live in an oasis in our city, surrounded by excellent people. Our bedroom windows echo the tranquil sounds of the creek to lull us to sleep. And there are times when we get a lone frog that chirps. Our family is truly blessed and I am grateful for where we are in life (mostly because we are "living" life together).

Happy Birthday to our amazing little man! One of his daddy's boys that has captured both our hearts. I am sad that he has left my grasp to be his father's little man, but I know that there will be a time when he "needs" mom again. I'll be waiting.


My favorite part of being a parent is going out of my way to pave the path towards their futures and making them happy. The sacrifices we make as parents...
This morning I woke up slightly earlier than usual to make my birthday man "cinnamon rolls". This was his daddy's inspiration the last time we were grocery shopping. He wanted to do something out of the normal to remind him that he is loved and thought of. So, as I made them, I reminded him it was his daddy's idea. With as much as his father sacrifices his time and so forth, he wasn't home just yet.
I packed the juice boxes and cupcakes into the front seat (40 of each to ensure all get one), while the boys slept a little bit longer. I figured it is easier to do it than so I am not forced to be a pack mule while trying to get kids in the car. I am hoping that our little man has a great day among friends at school. The day was off to a great start as class mates and staff wished him well. My only regret is that the thought I have now were not thought of sooner to implement. Maybe next year I'll decorate the side of my car that faces him while picking him up after school (those paints, crepe paper, and balloons)?
Tyler picked out the red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting because they were the only choice that wasn't too juvenile. He's becoming more mature and growing up on me. But, as for his father and I, we'll still remember him as the tiny person we brought home from the hospital. We knew even than he was a separate person entering our lives.
I told him I would be further back in the line of cars so he can give away all extras to his friends not in his class room. ~*Hugs*~

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Tyler's Quilt

~*Red Quilt*~

It is truly a labor of love when you do something for someone else that they enjoy...

I am currently working on a blanket for my eight-year-old son. He actually picked out the colors (Red & White, his favorite). First step is to crochet all the granny squares, than bind them together, than I do a quilting on the back (no holes and extra cozy), finally the binding on edges (silk is best). It is just perfect for snuggling up on the couch on those cold winter nights (and movies). I look forward to a finished product, and a happy child. Than I will make a new one for my "Itty Bitty"...

I used to make them for others, like my husband's co-workers expecting a baby. And I still have one tucked away in the baby stuff I did keep purely for memories sake (gave most stuff away).

I tried to find new colors, but Target doesn't sell yarn, and I usually stick to yarns I know because of an allergy to wool. I usually joke when talking to others that the blankets I make can melt. I don't mind the synthetic yarns because they hold the colors better and can be bleached with no damage done.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Our Boyz

First Rain (Sept 2, 2013)


~*Rain*~... I love that the rain is a symbol of renewal, growth, and for my family a reminder to not just live but experience life (enjoy it). I've been "dancing in the rain" since I was in diapers, and have been teaching my boys to do the same.

My intelligent and incredible little men ran in bare feet. They bounced in puddles and soared through pathways. With an infection giggles and their own private language they brought back many memories. I love that it also teaches them that what others see as a irritation can be something entirely different if viewed through a different set of eyes. I hope they continue to thrive and learn new things in life.

Another "family tradition" is to have cocoa after dancing in the "first rain of the season". I have a feeling that this year we'll get a reprieve from the drought. I see fresh new starts, productive things in our own home & family, and a revitalization in our surroundings.