Friday, September 6, 2013


My favorite part of being a parent is going out of my way to pave the path towards their futures and making them happy. The sacrifices we make as parents...
This morning I woke up slightly earlier than usual to make my birthday man "cinnamon rolls". This was his daddy's inspiration the last time we were grocery shopping. He wanted to do something out of the normal to remind him that he is loved and thought of. So, as I made them, I reminded him it was his daddy's idea. With as much as his father sacrifices his time and so forth, he wasn't home just yet.
I packed the juice boxes and cupcakes into the front seat (40 of each to ensure all get one), while the boys slept a little bit longer. I figured it is easier to do it than so I am not forced to be a pack mule while trying to get kids in the car. I am hoping that our little man has a great day among friends at school. The day was off to a great start as class mates and staff wished him well. My only regret is that the thought I have now were not thought of sooner to implement. Maybe next year I'll decorate the side of my car that faces him while picking him up after school (those paints, crepe paper, and balloons)?
Tyler picked out the red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting because they were the only choice that wasn't too juvenile. He's becoming more mature and growing up on me. But, as for his father and I, we'll still remember him as the tiny person we brought home from the hospital. We knew even than he was a separate person entering our lives.
I told him I would be further back in the line of cars so he can give away all extras to his friends not in his class room. ~*Hugs*~

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