Wednesday, November 6, 2013

11/6/2013 --- Tooth Fairy

This morning my amazing little boy crawled into my bed. He snuggled his cute little face into his father's pillow, and pulled the covers over his small shoulders. And stared at me while I tried to keep my eyes shut and pretend to sleep. It didn't take long before he sat up yelling that he had just lost his tooth... in the covers. He quickly picked it up and asked me if his mouth was bleeding.

This is better than the popcorn incident... a few lost teeth back.

Unfortunately the site I used to snag print outs of Fairy Mail isn't working properly. So I found another for "to" and "from". I did a little note from the Tooth Fairy to him, and double sided tape onto construction paper.

I spent more time out of my day printing out and gluing future envelopes. I would hate to have to come up with it in a pinch, again. I guess with what little time I have left I will do a rush job cleaning the boys bathroom. But, nothing is more important than making sure a little boy still believes in the goodness and magic of the world. I adore that he still believes in fairy dust, wishing stars, and wish flowers. I just hope in my own selfishness that he doesn't grow up too fast since he is "the baby".

1 comment:

  1. Itty Bitty has been keeping his note from the Tooth Fairy as proof fairies are real... ~*Cute*~
