Saturday, November 9, 2013

Flu and Cold Season Hit

Our little boys have been sick for a week. This past Wednesday I had to pick up the eight year old from school. Than both missed school on Thursday and Friday. I've been trying my best to only give them medications at night so they can sleep through the night. During the day they get Halls and Chloraseptic spray.
A child's sickness is so drastically different than an adult. Where as an adult you have the foresight to conserve energy... a child will bounce off walls, the fever hits and than they look half dead on the couch. It's like they surge and fizzle. One moment they look like they are healthy and could have gone to school... the next they are dropping like flies, fever, and napping.

The downside is that my little angels will be missing a birthday party today. I looked up the place it is being held. And it sounds amazing! Fliptastic... where the birthday parties are structured around the children truly enjoying themselves. And the woman who invited my children is absolutely amazing and kind hearted. I feel horrible for them being sick because this is now the second party I've had to back out of.

Our little boys are coughing, and it doesn't seem to be going away. They have headaches, stuffy noses, and fevers from catching it over and over again (or it mutating in them). I've been spraying everything with Lysol, bleaching pillows, and washing bedding. I feel like I am spinning my wheels, but trying to keep a positive outlook. They are building a stronger immune system and they "need mommy" (I don't have Munchausen's, after a couple days I am more than ready to be past it all).

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