Friday, December 13, 2013

Gift 4 Kids

I have found the best gift for our children is actually cash! We have one family member that each year gives $50 to each child, and $100 per adult. There are many reasons this is not just a great idea but makes us grateful. I know they don't add it to a card, so I find amazing cards, with glitter, and scrap booked qualities that look like it is a personal touch... than add it under the tree from them to each child. We actually add it to each child's savings account, since we buy them all they desire or need, and make them aware why it will make a difference towards their future.

I know that when a person gets money it is usually associated with greed, but the reality is it makes us feel more appreciative!!! What would normally be ours and selfishly spent on ourselves will be spent on our children. It is actually applied towards their future.

The only gift that could possibly be better is if they gave pictures since that is priceless and can be passed down through the generations (with personal stories).


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